You have worked hard on your genealogy. You have made some fantastic discoveries. But what do you actually do with it? Those discoveries do not do much good just sitting in your file cabinet or on your computer. That's where 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks comes in.

In 2021 we would like to post a VDFHS members ancestors story online.

We challenged members a few years ago and their stories can be found at here.

The parameters are simple:

  • Submit your story to verfamhist@shaw.ca as a PDF (preffered) or Word document.
  • Pictures can also be submitted with caption (embedded into the document )

You may submit as many stories as you want throughout the year.

Not sure where to begin? Considering joining the VDFHS Writing Group. For questions please contact Sheila Copley at writing_vdfhs@vdfhs.com.